Cold Feet?Cold feet can occur for many reasons including poor circulation in the lower legs and feet. Conditions such as PVD (Peripheral Vascular Disease) in which blood flow is limited due to arterial blockage or narrowing, or peripheral neuropathy, a condition affecting the nervous system and particularly sensation, can give the foot a numb and cold feeling. Peripheral neuropathy is common in diabetics and those with spinal disease. Other conditions that may cause cold feet include certain medications, nerve or thyroid conditions. Symptoms of cold feet include:
Treatment for cold feet includes:
In some cases, nerve-related causes of cold sensation may have to be treated with medication and/or surgery. |
Winter footwear:WHAT TO LOOK FOR Avoid slips and falls this winter by wearing durable footwear that will keep you safe and warm. Here are a few tips on what to look for in a winter boot: Liner- A thick and soft liner to help keep feet warm and dry. A fleece collar or drawstring at the top of the boot may be helpful. Heel– Select a boot with wide heels and adequate tread. Look for cross-hatching that will grip in icy conditions. |
What’s New?· · · Lisa Henry, an associate chiropodist at our clinic for the past five years has now moved to Milton. We thank Lisa for all her hard work in providing treatment to our patients and wish her well in her future endeavours, both personally and professionally.
Joining our team this past August is Darren Gobin. Darren is a registered chiropodist and recent graduate from the Michener Institute. His past experience consists of time spent at chiropody and wound clinics around the GTA including Toronto Rehab, Women’s College Hospital and St. Michael’s Hospital. Darren is dedicated to providing optimal care for all of his patients by alleviating conditions related to the foot, improving foot function and enhancing his patients’ quality of life. |
Winter 2014
Spring 2012
Danforth Foot Clinic Newsletter
May is National Foot Health Month
Heel pain Heel pain in a common musculoskeletal symptom that affects most of us at some point in our life. The heel bone, known as the calcaneus is the largest bone in the foot and must endure a great amount of stress throughout the day. There are a number of conditions that can cause heel pain, however the three most common conditions include (but are not limited to) plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis and bursitis.
Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the thick fibrous plantar fascia. This condition is characterized by pain on the bottom of the foot. Pain is often worst when weight bearing after prolonged periods of rest or sleep.
Achilles Tendonitis Achilles tendonitis is an inflammatory injury of the achilles tendon due to traumatic injury or overuse. This tough cord like tendon attaches the muscles in the calf to the heel bone. Symptoms include pain when walking, running or jumping and often present in conjunction with swelling, heat and local tenderness.
Bursitis Bursitis is inflammation of a fluid filled sac located between a tendon and a bone. Retrocalcaneal bursitis is the result of inflammation of a bursa that lies between the Achilles tendon and the heel bone. Bursitis can also be caused by a shoe rubbing over a bony prominence of the foot. |
Treatment for Heel Pain The most common conservative treatments for heel pain include:
The Danforth Foot Clinic is proud to offer the MedX Laser and Phototherapy rehabilitation system. Phototherapy is a proven and highly effective treatment which increases local microcirculation, accelerates tissue repair, reduces pain, decreases inflammation and edema, and enhances immune response and angiogenesis (new blood vessel growth).
Phototherapy has been used successfully to treat athletic injuries, acute and chronic conditions, repetitive strain disorders, tissue healing and many other conditions. By providing the extra energy required for healing, the tissue is able to heal itself naturally. This innovative therapeutic alternative may also eliminate the need for painful, debilitating surgeries and drug therapies so often accompanied by harmful side effects (
To learn more about the many benefits of Laser and Phototherapy please call us at 416-461-3273, or ask at your next visit. |
May is National Foot Health Month
Danforth Foot Clinic Newsletter
May is National Foot Health Month
Orthotics: Sorting Out the ConfusionDuring some point in our lives, over 80% of the population will suffer from foot related ailments. For some it will remain a minor annoyance but for others it will mean pain, discomfort and even disability. In many cases, these problems are related to the inefficient functioning of the foot. The most common dysfunction is when the leg turns inward and the foot flattens excessively, this is known as over pronation. A certain amount of pronation is normal and necessary. When this motion is excessive, it is the primary cause for the gradual development of bunions, hammer/ claw toes, heel pain and foot fatigue. Due to the foot’s critical role in how the body functions, problems of the feet can also lead to many common ankle, knee, hip, and low back ailments. An orthotic is a custom-made, corrective, removable device that is placed within the shoe to hold the foot in a specific position and/or to control excessive motion, thus allowing the joints to function closer to their normal limits. As a result of the foot control, muscles are able to gain mechanical advantage and move the foot and leg more efficiently. Futhermore, when the muscles work better they will not tire out as easily and many symptoms can be alleviated. Dry, Callused or Cracked Skin? In the summer, our heels can become very dry and problematic. The use of cream can help. Selecting creams that contain urea help the skin maintain moisture content and keep the skin supple. It is important to maintain the skin’s optimal condition, as it is the body’s natural defence to bacteria and other types of infections. Regular application of cream and the use of a pumice stone or file during or immediately after showering will help the skin remain in good health. |
The things you should know before getting a pair of orthotics…